Logo Design Questionnaire


Personal Info
Business Info
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Please fill in all the required (*) fields to continue
Type the name of your business exactly how you want it to appear on the logo
If you have a tagline insert it here
Write a brief description of what you do and what is unique about your business
Who are you trying to reach? You can provide their age range, gender, geographic location etc.
Do you have a current logo? *
Please fill in all the required (*) fields to continue
Please choose your preferred style of logo(s): *
Color Preferences:
Do you have any colour preferences or existing colours you want used in your logo? (Optional)

Color Dispreferences:
Do you have any colours that need to be avoided? (Optional)

Do you have any font or type of font preference? (Optional)
Are there any logos that inspire you?

Maximum file size: 2 MB
Are there any logos that you dislike?

Maximum file size: 2 MB
Is there anything else you'd like to add that would be relevant to this project?
Please fill in all the required (*) fields to continue
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